The HSA Stars training and 5v5 jamboree is presented by Highline Premier FC. It takes place during one week in late November or early December, after the Fall recreational season has concluded. Coach-nominated recreational 8u-10u players are invited to a free HSA Stars weeknight training with professional coaches, and a 3-game 5v5 Saturday jamboree. Based upon participation in HSA Stars training and jamboree, players may be selected to participate in further training and playing events.
HSA Stars training and jamboree are FREE!
Player Invitation Process
All recreational coaches of teams aged 8u-10u are asked in October (near the end of the Fall recreational season) to recommend their top players for the HSA Stars program. All recommended players are eligible to participate in Stars training and Stars Jamboree. Stars players participate in an advanced development training session and play with the best of the Fall season. Highline Premier FC, the advanced development program of the Highline Soccer Association, supplies all of the equipment, facilities, and professional staff.
For additional information about Highline Premier FC Programs or to tryout, please visit www.HighlinePremier.com.
If you have questions about the HSA Stars Program, please email [email protected].